
東京都立千早高等学校 全日制


2023/07/24 国際交流

駐日ベトナム社会主義共和国大使館 二度目の訪問



 東京都渋谷区にあります「駐日ベトナム社会主義共和国大使館」を1年ぶりに訪問しました。今回で二度目となります。二等書記官[教育部長]である ヴー・ティ・リェン・フォン様にご対応いただき、和やかな雰囲気の中で、本校の取り組み現状を共有、情報交換し、ベトナムとの外交関係樹立50周年を記念して何か新しいことができないかどうか、両国の将来に向けてお互いのアイデアについて相互理解を図ることができました。それにより、今後の本校でのスタディツアーを含む外部連携についての計画が一歩前進する良い機会となりました。


We visited the "Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Japan" in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo for the first time in a year. This is the second time. Mr. Vu Thi Lien Phong, Second Secretary [Minister of Education], shared the current status of our school's efforts and exchanged information in a friendly atmosphere, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with Vietnam. We were able to gain mutual understanding about each other's ideas for the future of both countries, and whether we can do something new to commemorate the occasion. As a result, it was a good opportunity to take a step forward in planning for external collaboration, including future study tours at our school.

In the future, we will continue to work closely with the Embassy of Vietnam in Japan to further evolve the study tour in Ho Chi Minh City, the cooperation with Vietnam International University, and the hotel internship in Da Nang, which we have been conducting for a long time. We decided to continue this effort. In addition, we would like to expand the possibility of future activities in Hanoi, which is the center of politics, through future visits to Hanoi.

