
2023/02/21 お知らせ


2023年2月8日(水)~10日(日)の3日間、江東区有明の研修施設で2学年外国語コース生徒対象の英語研修を実施しました。生徒は ①Artificial Intelligence is our enemy.(人工知能は我々の敵か)と②Japan should abolish the death penalty.(日本は死刑制度を廃止すべきか)の2つのトピックについて英語でディベートを行いました。


2学年英語合宿 閉会式 生徒代表のスピーチ

First of all, I would like to thank all the instructors and all the fellow participants. Without you all, it wouldn’t have been such an amazing experience.

    Before the camp, when we were in school and preparing for the first debate, I was quite nervous and not sure if my English ability would be up to the mark to enable me to debate satisfactorily.

    But from the day this camp started, I came to realize that being here is not just about winning, but also about using English proactively, and expressing my opinions clearly and confidently.

    And from Day 2, I was given the opportunity to consider the meaning of human rights, and its legal order. I think the importance of these social matters is something I wouldn’t have fully realized without this camp.

    Again, thank you all very much for being here during this camp. It’s been a tremendous privilege to have you all here!