


2023/03/22 今日の芦花


     Roka High School finally held its anticipated Chorus Festival after four long years. The event was held at the prestigious Shinjuku Bunka Center, a wonderfully massive building with many rooms and two floors worth of seating inside. It must be here that many concerts and singing events are held for the public to see. The stage has great acoustics for those that play instruments like the piano, sing with instrumental music, or do full acapella. 
     I could not withhold my excitement to see the 1st year and 2nd year students perform after hearing them practice at school. I once was in chorus at my church in the States and performed before the congregation every other Sunday or on special occasions or holiday events. So, being able to watch the students show their talents through their practiced efforts was but a treat that I will remember throughout the days to come.
     The first to go on stage after Principal gave the opening introductions were the 1st year students. Every class had one student playing the piano, another to turn the page if needed, and a conductor. The boys, often tenor and bass, stood on the right side of the stage, while the girls, alto and soprano, stood on the left side as seen from the audience’s perspective. A couple of students gave a soft or exciting speech before the pianist and conductor bowed to the audience before beginning. I found it so amazing to see how well the students worked together without teacher guidance! Absolutely fantastic work!
     Next to come on stage were the 2nd year students who lined up in the same way, except for one class where the boys and girls switched sides. Some of their speeches were thrilling to hear and helped hyped up the audience for their performances. They all worked well together as a team, as one unit, which is what chorus is all about. Though there was little movement on stage save for the extra performances after, where one group had the audience clapping along, everyone did a superb job at the Chorus Festival.
     The Chorus Festival is all about working together and forming unique and unified voices that will entice and lure the audience with beautiful melodies and a range of vocal tones. Even the teachers did well even though they practiced for a short time. With much effort put into events such as these, it is impossible to not appreciate the work everyone has put into it. The outcome was more than great and I, along with the principal, the vice principals, the teachers, the staff, and the parents, can’t wait to see their performances for next year!

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