


2022/10/13 その他









  1. How was your experience during the speech contest?



When I entered the venue, I was confident to do my best. I enjoyed the beginning because it was my first time delivering a speech, so I was excited. But I got nervous halfway because of the silence and time limit.



  1. What did you learn through the process?



I enjoyed preparing for the speech contest. It made me excited for the day of the competition. If I compare my English skills before and after the training, I wasn’t confident at first because of my pronunciation. But when I practiced with Val-sensei, I could feel that my English pronunciation had improved. I also learned that practice helps us be prepared and confident because when I stood in front of the audience, I was worried that I might forget some sentences in my speech that may affect my whole performance.



3.What are your comments about the contest?



This speech contest experience helped me to become confident in speaking in front of many people. It motivated me to improve my English skills. It also helped me believe that I can do my best in anything. If I have an opportunity to join such a contest in the future, I would like to grab the chance again.



