


2024/10/23 学習活動

【SSH探究活動報告】「世界津波の日」2024 高校生サミットin熊本①

 Hello everyone, The “World Tsunami Awareness Day” High School Summit was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 and has been held annually since 2016. The sixth summit is being held in Kumamoto, which was affected by a disaster in 2016.
 From the recruitment in early April, three students expressed their interest and, over the course of more than six months, they have not only conducted research but also collaborated with local governments and communities. Through various experiences, they have formulated their thoughts, opinions, and ideas on “disaster prevention” and “disaster mitigation.”
 Since this summit is an international conference, the common language is English. All presentations and PowerPoint materials are in English, so during this period, we have not only studied English but also connected with English conversation schools and other schools to learn together.
 This time, Kokubunji High School has chosen the theme of “Creative Reconstruction.” We considered how we, as high school students, could cooperate and collaborate with local governments and teachers if Kokubunji High School were to become an evacuation center. We realized that this is a very challenging task.
 However, with advice and guidance from many people, we departed on October 22nd. We will be posting a travel diary of these three days on our website.

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Today, we departed for Kumamoto in the afternoon and arrived safely.

We had our final meeting to prepare for the summit.

We will do our best tomorrow to make the most of our preparations.  by  N.Hirai



画像3 文責:探究部齋藤


2015年に国連総会で制定され、それを機に翌2016年から「世界津波の日」高校生サミットは開催されました。第6回目となる回は、2016年に被災した熊本県です。 4月初旬の募集から3名の生徒が希望し、およそ半年強の間、調べ学習だけでなく、自治体、地域と連携協力のもと、さまざまな体験を通して「防災」「減災」について自分たちの考えや意見、アイデアをまとめてきました。 一方で、このサミットは国際会議なので、共通言語は英語です。プレゼンテーションもパワーポイント資料もすべて英語なので、私たちはこの間、英語の勉強はもとより、英会話スクールや他校とつながり、共に学びあう機会を得ました。 今回、国分寺高校が選んだテーマは「創造的な復興」です。国分寺高校が「避難所」になった場合を想定し、高校生の私たちが自治体や先生方とどのように協力、連携できるかを考えました。そして現状、それはとても難しいことだと思いました。 しかし、たくさんの方々に助言指導を受け、10/22に出発しました。 この3日間の旅日記をホームページに掲載していきます。



