

【国際】東京グローバル10講演会  ジオ・サーチ株式会社 代表取締役社長 冨田 洋 氏

ジオ・サーチ株式会社 代表取締役社長 冨田 洋 様

今回は、第4学年において、「地雷のある世界」を学習した後、この入試問題で紹介されているジオ・サーチ株式会社 冨田 洋 様、伊佐 優子 様にお越しいただきました。冨田様より、地雷除去の詳細やジオ・サーチ創業前、創業後の様々なピンチやチャンス、そしてそれを支える信念について話していただきました。また、“GENSAI(減災)”を日本発のグローバル・スタンダードに据えて、今も国際貢献を果たされようと挑戦されているお話を聞くことができました。教材では知ることができなかった地雷除去の困難に加え、冨田様の決して挫けない生き方、発想と出会いを大事にしながら、他者に貢献することを自分の喜びややりがいに繋げていく生き方に、生徒達はとても刺激を受けていました。本当にありがとうございました。

講演後、“This house believes that technological advances are necessary in order to establish world peace.(本議会は、技術進歩が世界平和の構築のために必要だと信じる)”という論題でパーラメンタリーディベートを行い、肯定側は冨田様の活動を参考に、否定側は地雷や化学兵器使用の現実を軸に、論を構築しました。

今後も、11 期生の国際理解教育では、世界の課題について自分達の考えを深め、それを日本そして世界に発信することで、誰もが生きやすい平和な社会の構築に貢献していきます。
   We have read a text about Hiroshi Tomita’s demining activities. And we met him on October 3rd. My first impression was that he is powerful. He said unstressed strength is not important. The important thing is the strength of being unable to be depressed. You should keep your mind challenged. I think, because of this strong heart, he can complete such great work. My heart is afraid of failure. I want to get a strong heart and accomplish great work like Mr. Tomita.

   Geo Search, established by Hiroshi Tomita, developed and put into practical use “underground cavity exploration system” that detects road cavities, and the internal cavities of buried objects.
          This technology became modern systems such as the “Built-in Pipe Mapping System”, “The SKELE-car” and “Mine Eye”. These systems can help with the removal of anti-personnel mines and are currently active in various operations abroad.
          I had no understanding about landmines until it was a topic in one of my English classes.
          Hiroshi Tomita says that anti-personnel mines are “the sneakiest weapon” and that anti-personnel mines are indiscriminate. Anti-personnel mines were installed in places where people come and go, such as on the way to the fields, and remain even after the end of the war. As a result, many lives are lost to anti-personnel mines.
          In the past, common metal dictators were for demining efforts; however, undetectable plastic mines are still causing injuries and taking lives. Because of this, Tomita developed his skills for discovering landmines, receiving high acclaim at the United Nations Expert Meeting. After that, he went to Cambodia and Thailand as a social contribution and conducted research and development in demining technology.
          Therefore, at the age of 45, with the help of many companies and organizations, he established the mine removal support NGO “JAHDS” and started volunteering. However, at 49, he became bedridden for three months. This experience did not discourage Tomita, and after reading various books during this time, he realized that his instinct was “contribution”. Once healthy he continued his efforts for a mine-free world, and formed a new demining team and renewed his demining activities. In 2006, a local foundation took over the demining activities, and in 2008, the area around the removal site became a world heritage site.
           Since then, Tomita has developed many new technologies for disaster mitigation to combat that many natural disasters that occur in Japan, thankfully these efforts have saved many lives.
          After this lecture, I came to understand why he was able to contribute so much to society. I think he is always positive and has a strong desire to contribute to others. Even if he fails, he has a positive attitude, never give up, and keeps working for others. I want to be someone who can do my best and contribute to the world like him.
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