

 2019 年7月26日~7月29日、第4学年栁澤さんが御殿場にて「かめのりスクール2019」に参加しました。このプログラムは、日本語を学んでいるアジアの学生と交流するものです。
 11期生の国際理解教育では、他者を理解し、日本や自分がどうあるべきかを考え、それを発信していくことを目指していきます。 そして、誰もが生きやすい平和な社会の構築に貢献していきます。

      I have been very interested in the difference of languages since I started to learn French this year, so I joined “Kamenori School,” a program for Japanese junior and senior high school students to interact with high school students from six countries of Asia (China, Korean, Philippine, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam) who are studying Japanese.  I was eager to talk with foreign high school students studying Japanese, so I studied the languages of these before I joined this program.
      Through this program, I found that Asian students loved Japan and were all familiar with Japanese culture. They sang and danced to modern Japanese songs. In addition, they danced a Japanese folk dance, which most Japanese students cannot dance. Because of this experience, I believe that I should study about our country and our neighboring Asian countries. Furthermore, during group activities, Asian students often said that they could not read some difficult Chinese characters, Kanji. However, two Chinese students saw Japanese Kanji from a different point of view, because Kanji are originally from Chinese. In other words, the difficulty in studying foreign languages depends on our first language. During this program, I studied a little about the languages of those six countries and found that here are fewer changes of tense, declension, and person than those of European languages. Of course, nouns have no gender. I think that Japanese people can study these languages more easily than English or French. I want to study more about Asian languages.
     Our world is becoming globalized, Japanese people tend to focus on Europe or America. However, I want to turn my eyes to Asia, and I want to interact with more Asian people.

〒113-0021 東京都文京区本駒込2-29-29
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