

31 【国際】第4学年International Ambassador Program 1 パレスチナSkype中継

【国際】第4学年International Ambassador Program 1 パレスチナSkype中継
 6月10日、13日に第4学年のコミュニケーション英語1の授業において、International Ambassador Program 1を実施しました。
今回は、「パレスチナ自治区Skype中継 世界と繋がる英語学習 ~難民について考える~」と題して、「難民のいる世界」(琉球大学入試問題)を授業で読んだ後、JICAパレスチナ事務所とSkypeで繋がり、JICA日本人スタッフの坂元様、そして難民であるJICAパレスチナ人スタッフのナウラス様に様々な質問をしました。


 次の授業では、”This house believes that Japan should accept more refugees.(本議会は日本がもっと難民を受け入れるべきだと信じる)”という論題で、パーラメンタリーディベートを行い、自分達の考えを深めました。

今回のInternational Ambassadorは、
 The 4th graders had a wonderful moment in English class. We had a talk with a refugee lady, Nawras, via Skype. It was such a valuable opportunity that we would like to have another chance like this. We learned the reality of the refugee camps. The biggest impression is that they are hard. Although we had learned and discussed refugee issues, the story she gave us was still surprising enough to make us take the problems more seriously. They were mind blowing and gave me a new perspective to see the world.
 Last week, in communication-English class, we had a session talk with Nawras via Skype and heard her story. She was a refugee and had a lot of difficulties, and now she works at JICA. JICA is a Japanese organization which has been working to help countries and people in difficult situations through various approaches, such as supporting refugees taking long time and teaching technology. She always spoke with smile and that’s why we could relax during the conversation. She spoke with passion and especially, her message “Studying English will help you and make your future better” impressed me deeply. Certainly, we could talk and understand what she said directly and personally because we learn English.
 Now, in Japan, we usually see a lot of news about Palestinian issues. But I couldn’t have imagined their details before we talked with her, because we had known Palestinian issues only on TV or from world history textbook. Through her personal story and life, I was able to recognize the reality and empathy for the refugee problem from an actual story. Talking with people who have different backgrounds or opinions and expanding our fields of vision is the first step to understand other cultures and solve worldwide problems.
 I realized how different our environments were in when she said to “keep believing in your dream.” She wanted to go back to her home country and go to the beach, farm, and live her life as her grandfather had done. All these things are just ordinary things for us, and we usually take for granted how valuable we live in the land we love and live with people we love are.
 The most impressive message for me she told us was that she wanted us to become leaders and make a peaceful world. There are many paths we have. It’s important to have a dream, what I want to do and a strong purpose for study. The reason why I study is because I want to be the person who can help suffering people smile someday. I was strongly encouraged by her life despite the difficulties of being a refugee. I want to be such a person who has a strong belief and a warm heart like her.
 Special thanks to Nawras for sharing a part of her life with us and encouraging us. And special thanks to Ms. Sakamoto for giving us such a wonderful class.
〒113-0021 東京都文京区本駒込2-29-29
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