

【国際】30 海外語学研修成果発表会 Research and Presentation Contest 開催20181217

3年生 海外語学研修成果発表会 Research and Presentation Contest 開催20181217

3年生は海外語学研修の成果として、英語によるResearch and Presentation Contestを2018年12月17日開催しました。
8月の海外語学研修でオーストラリア滞在中に生徒それぞれが興味を持ったテーマで、独自のトピックを設定しました。オーストラリア帰国後、それぞれの仮設、検証、結果をパワーポイントにまとめ、クラスで発表を行いました。それぞれのクラスから代表者を選出し、13人の代表者がResearch and Presentation Contestに出場しました。
Award Winners: The 1st Prize Ms. Yoshida, The 2nd Prize Mr.Hakata, The 3rd Prize Mr.Ike
13 Representatives
1. Mr. Ryo Isono (3-A)                  Convergent evolution in Australia.
2. Ms. Kaoru Kusuda (3-D)           What are the Australian deserts used for?
3. Mr. Akihiro Yanagisawa (3-C)    Why do Australian people eat a strange black paste "vegemite"?
4. Mr. Jyunya Kumazaki (3-B)      How many companies operate Adelaide traffic?
5. Ms. Haruka Maegawa (3-B)      Does Santa look the same in Australia as in Japan?
6. Mr. Seitaro Kambara (3-C)       How was TimTam born?
7. Mr. Takuto Ike (3-D)        Why does the traffic in Australia keep to the left?
8. Mr. Koki Yoshida (3-B)     What are the differences in sports clubs between Koishikawa and Glenunga?
9. Mr. Kai Eda (3-D)                     What is the system of separating garbage?
10. Ms. Tsumugi Yoshida (3-C)      How can vegemite be made more delicious?
11. Ms. Teni Ko (3-A)                   Why are the traffic rules of Australia very strict?
12. Ms. Mayuko Tanaka (3-A)       Why is the voting rate in Australia higher than in Japan?
13. Mr. Norio Hakata (3-D)            What are the differences in pronunciation between Aussie English and others?
MCs: Mr. Makoto Abe (3-C), Mr. Tasuku Ihara(3-C)
Event Operations: Mr. Yuto Tsuchiya (3-A), Mr. Yuta Yamaya (3-A), Mr. Sosuke Kimata (3-B),
Mr. Aoi Saiga (3-D), Chihiro Yoshii (3-A), Ms. Toko Hasegawa (3-B)
English Department : Sawako Sue

〒113-0021 東京都文京区本駒込2-29-29
電話 : 03-3946-7171 ファクシミリ : 03-3946-7397