

Studying Kanji in Lockdown(1)

Studying Kanji in Lockdown             by Daniel Ervin

 In lockdown, I also studied kanji every day. I tried to learn 20-30 new kanji every day. I learned how to write them, and what they mean in English. For example 田=rice field, or 竜=dragon. I will learn the Japanese and Chinese readings later, after I memorize all the kanji.
To study, I used a book called Remembering the Kanji by James Heisig. This book uses a very different style from normal textbooks. In Japanese school, kanji is taught by memorization. You have to write the kanji over and over. I tried that way, and it was very hard, and very very boring. I studied kanji a little bit before. But soon I got bored and quit, and then I forgot all the kanji..

                                                                               → Part2 ( coming on October 27th)
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