
2020.01_Dan Thoughts

March 5th, 2020  Ceremonies!



I was surprised that even though school is closed, we will still have our graduation ceremony! I think this is a good thing for the graduating students. Graduation ceremonies always become very special memories for them. It’s great that they can still have that experience.
Graduation ceremonies are an interesting cultural difference between the US and Japan. For Japanese students, graduation in junior high school and high school is a really special, important memory. But for me and many people I know, I felt much happier when I graduated university. In fact, I can’t really remember my junior high school graduation.
From talking to Japanese friends, I have an idea about the reason. Students in the US often do many things outside of school time. For example, I did a part time job, I spent lots of time with friends, and I played music outside of school. Japanese students spend almost all their time in school. Study and club activities all happen during school time. This makes students feel almost like family. Graduation ceremonies feel like a family reunion!
US graduation ceremonies focus much more on one person’s success. I felt good at graduation because I finished high school. But really, almost everyone finishes high school, so it didn’t seem very special. But I had to work really hard in university, so university graduation felt a lot more special for me.
I like Japanese graduation ceremonies. Sometimes I think the speeches are too long, but I am always touched when I see the students in nice clothes and hear them singing songs.
Even in a very unique situation like this year, it makes me happy that the students can share a good final memory of their time in high school. I wish all the best to Kiyose’s graduating students. Good luck on your next adventures, and please keep up with your high school friends!
I also wish a warm welcome to the new first years at Kiyose. I hope we can have fun together and learn a lot. I’m excited to meet you!

※I couldn’t find a photo from my graduation. But this is from my final band concert in high school. I am on the left, in the center is my teacher, and on the right is my friend Tim. I’m glad I changed my hairstyle!!

Graduation Ceremony—卒業式
Family reunion—家族の親睦会

January 30th, 2020  Tests Tests Tests!



     Now it’s entrance exam season at Kiyose High School. I often think high school in Japan is just one long test! Entrance tests, pre-tests, midterm tests, final tests, vocabulary tests, university tests. There are too many tests in Japan. I think it must be stressful for students.
     The system is a little different in the U.S. Public high schools do not have entrance exams. Any student can go to any school. Students usually go to schools near their homes, or schools with interesting programs. Junior high school students usually do not worry about their future high school.
      High school tests in the US are also different from Japan. Like Japan, U.S. high schools have midterm and final exams. But there are also many smaller tests during the year. In addition, US students have lots of homework, and we have to research and write long essays. If students do their homework and study a little for their tests, they can get good scores. And, one bad test score doesn’t destroy their grade.
      US students also take only one test when they want to enter university. All universities use this test score, and they look at high school grades. If the scores are good, the university will accept. This means students can apply to many universities at the same time. I applied to five universities!
      Japan’s style is good for subjects like math and science. But I think this style makes it hard for students to learn English. Language is not like math or history. It is not a list of facts we can memorize. Language is like a set of tools. We have to use different tools at different times. For example, we use different English for ordering a coffee than for reading a newspaper. We need different tools in those situations. But because tests are very important in Japan, often we only teach “test English” or “textbook English.” This kind of English is not useful in many situations.
      So if you want to really learn English, you have to use it in many ways! Read things on the internet, watch things on YouTube, talk to many people. You can always talk to JET or ALT teachers at school for help. I like to recommend websites, videos, and books, and I like to talk to students. That’s my job! If you do this, your test scores will get better and better! It will also make English more useful and interesting for you, because it has meaning in your life. It is always easier to learn things that are interesting.
exam—試験       Public High School—都立高校    midterm exam—中間試験    final exam—期末試験     score—点数        grade—成績       accept—受け入れる    apply—適用する
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