


2月27日(水) 進路説明会


2月20日(水) マラソン大会



2月5日(火)  Chris Chat

American High School: Clubs

It has been about ten years since I graduated from high school. I went to a private Catholic high school in California called Mater Dei Catholic High School. I have noticed that my high school and Kiyose High School had some differences about their clubs.


The biggest difference I noticed is that students in Kiyose usually participate in only one club, especially those in sports clubs. At Mater Dei my classmates often joined many types of clubs. However I think this is because how school sports are organized in America. In America sports clubs are only after for specific months. For example, American Football is an autumn sport and is played from September to December, while Baseball is a Spring sport and is played from April to June. Therefore, when one sport is over a student is allowed to join a new sport that has started. I think American sport clubs are good since students are able to play many sports during the year. I was part of the Tennis Team, which is an autumn sport and was the manager for the Swim Club in the spring. However, Japanese sport clubs are also good since students are able to improve in a sport they really like all year.


As for non-sport clubs Mater Dei allowed you to join as many as you want. I think this was not a good rule, since students often join clubs but never participated in the club activities. I have noticed that students in non-sport clubs in Kiyose are very loyal and active in their clubs. The students in Mater Dei that were in only one non-sport club were similar to Kiyose students. However I remember that joined many non-sports clubs were a bit lazy. However at Mater Dei a student could easily join a sport club and a non-sport club at the same time. I also joined a non-sport club, the Anime Club, and I was able to go to sport practice three days a week and then go to the non-sport club twice a week. In addition, since tennis was only in autumn and swim was in spring I was able to go to Anime Club more in the winter.


Overall, I think clubs are important for students so they can get breaks from studying. Clubs are great ways for students to make friends with similar interests. Also it is amazing that students work very hard in their clubs and they do their best for their clubs.



Comprehension Questions

When is American Football played in American high schools?


What clubs did I join in high school?


Opinion Questions

If you could join as many clubs as you wanted, what clubs would you join?


Is there a club you wish Kiyose had? What is it?

クリスのところに、上の質問に答えに行こう! 何かrewardがもらえるかも。




2月1日(金) 推薦入試合格発表




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