






1月16日(水)Chris Chat

Winter Holiday
During the winter holiday I went back to California. I went there to celebrate Christmas with my family and to visit my friends. I arrived a few days before Christmas and was able to shop for some small presents for friends and family. On Christmas Eve my dad had to work. So my mom, my sister, and I decided to visit him at his work, which is a Los Angeles Fire Station. It was a nice small dinner with my dad and the other firefighters (消防士). We ate tamales (タマレス), a common Mexican Christmas food, for dinner and opened a few presents. After dinner we played games and ate cookies with cocoa.
On Christmas morning it was raining, so we decided to start a fire in the fireplace (暖炉). For dinner we went to my grandfather’s home. It was a lot of fun as I saw family members I had not seen in a very long time. We ate prime rib, which was delicious, and opened more presents. I had fun with younger members of my family. We played on the Nintendo Switch and played ‘Let’s Go Eevee’ and ‘Mario Kart’. We ended Christmas with ‘Christmas Karaoke’ and sang our favorite Christmas songs.
I also celebrated the New Year with my family. We stayed up until midnight by playing games, watching movies, and talking. We ate snacks all night. We also were preparing the breakfast we would eat in the morning. It is a soup called ‘menudo (メヌード)’, which is a delicious Mexican dish. It is one of my favorite foods but it takes a very long time to make. In the morning we ate our breakfast soup and made our New Year Resolutions (解決). My resolutions are to eat more fruits and vegetables and to read more books. I want be healthier and I want to keep learning new things.
Other things I did during the holiday were going to a casino with my grandfather, shopping with friends, seeing new movies, and going to an American football game. Overall, I had a lot of fun during the winter holiday. I hope all of you had a great winter holiday too.
Comprehension Questions
What are some of the foods I ate?
What are my resolutions for the new year?
Opinion Questions
What did you do for New Year’s Eve (12/31) and New Year’s Day (1/1)?
Do you have a New Year Resolution? What is it?


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