


12月25日(火) ダンス部クリスマスライブ!!


12月25日(火) 2学期終了‼





この日演奏してくれた曲は、「クリスマスメドレー」「サンタが街にやってくる」とアンコール曲として「Let’s Swing」の3曲です。楽しい演奏をありがとうございました。






12月15日(土) 個別相談会を行いました!


12月13日(木)~16日(日)美術部 東京都美術館 中央展




12月12日(水)Chris Chat

Chris Chat
American Christmas
The images that people think of when they think of the usual American Christmas include Santa, presents, lights, snow, and many other traditional things. In Southern California we have all these traditional Christmas items, except the snow. Also people all over America celebrate Christmas, but they don't all celebrate it in the same way. Even my family has two ways of celebrating Christmas.
I spend Christmas Eve (the night before Christmas) with my Dad’s family. It is a small party with only 10 people who come to celebrate. However since it is small we get the chance to spend time with everyone. We usually spend it at my grandparents’ house as it is hard for them to travel. It’s very nice as they have a large yard and grow lemon, apricot, and grapefruit trees. After dinner, we will start a fire in the fireplace and open presents. Once all the presents have been opened and everyone has said ‘thanks’ we watch classic Christmas movies such as How the Grinch Stole Christmas, A Christmas Story, and The Santa Clause. It is wonderful to visit and celebrate with them.
Then on Christmas Day I go and see my Mom’s family. However I usually live very close to them so we start celebrating early by decorating all our houses together while listening to Christmas songs. Some of my favorite Christmas songs are It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, Winter Wonderland, and Here Comes Santa Claus. On Christmas Day we have a huge party with up to 28 people coming from different states. Since our family is so big we have a special way to give presents. All the children get presents from all the adults, but once you become eighteen years old you join the family’s  “Secret Santa” game. All the adults out there names in a bowl then everyone picks a name. The name you pick is who you buy a present for to give on Christmas. It's a lot of fun since you have to keep it a secret and have to guess who is buying you a present. Also we save money so we don't have to buy 28 presents. Even though we don't get many presents on Christmas, we do have a lot of fun.
Comprehension Questions
Whose family do I watch Christmas movies with?
How old must you be to play ‘Secret Santa’ with my family?
Opinion Questions
What do you do on Christmas or during Winter?
Do you have a favorite Christmas song? What is it called?
*クリス家のクリスマス、楽しそうですね! 家族で過ごして、日本のお正月に近いかな。
Question に答えにクリスのところに来てください。何かrewardがもらえるかも♡



12月8日(土) 第三回学校説明会

本年度最後の学校説明会を行いました。全体会が10:00から始まり、「学校長から清高生の様子や進路、入試等についての説明」 「DVDによる学校紹介」 「生徒会による学校紹介」 「少林寺拳法部・ダンス部の披露」をしました。本校の生徒の様子や、全国大会で活躍する部活動の雰囲気を味わえましたでしょうか。


12月5日(水) Chris Chat

Dungeons and Dragons and Friends
About two months ago I joined a group of people to play a role-playing game called Dungeons and Dragons. It's a lot of fun. It is a game that uses your imagination and creativity. This game is very similar to RPGs that people play online but without the electronics. It is very popular with people who like fantasy stories like Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings. It has also become popular with people who watched the Netflix show Stranger Things. You begin the game by creating your character which can be a human, an elf, a dwarf, a gnome, or many other things. Then you pick the role your character will play such as a healer, a thief, a fighter, a mage, and so on. Once the characters are created then your Dungeon Master or Game Master will narrate the adventure for your characters. The Game Master plays as all the extra characters (also known as NPCs - non player characters) as well as all the monsters and villains. In the game you can solve mysteries, fight dragons, and even conquer countries. It is one of my favorite games to play.
Before coming to Japan I often played this game with my friends in California. Therefore, I was very happy when I found people here who like to play it too. The people I found are Tokyo JETs like me. A few of them just came to Japan in August while others have been here for a couple of years. We try to meet up a few times a month to play. Our team has a healer, a thief, two fighters, and two mages. So far our characters have defeated goblins, stopped an insect army, and found a lost magic sword. I can be very shy when meeting new people but this game helps me be more confident. I have written about my experience with Dungeons and Dragons in a magazine. I can't wait for my next adventure.
Comprehension Questions
How many characters are in my team?
Who narrates a Dungeons and Dragons adventure?
Opinion Questions
If you could live in a fantasy world what would you be? I would be an elf like in The Lord of the Rings.
Which character from my team do you think I play?

*4つのQuestion に答えにクリスのところへ行こう! 答えにきてくれた人には、rewardがあるかも♡

12月3日(月) 本日より期末考査が始まりました


12月1日(土) 第2回「GTEC」4技能検定を実施


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